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The question is only one:
Are you ready to collect Gold?
If you use the detector, you will find Gold.
Success in finding gold because of using a detector
Gold detectors, particularly the Minelab Garrett and Nokta brands, can help gold miners detect and identify alluvial gold deposits, grains, ores, powders and gold veins . With the help of this gold detection tool, mining operations can achieve maximum results .

Gold detection tools have been proven to change the lives of hundreds of thousands of gold miners.

Equinox800 - Minelab
Type: Gold & Treasure Detector
Price: Rp20.500.000
New detector model using the latest Multi IQ gold detection technology . Equinox800 can be used to search for treasures and fine gold. The instrument has a high frequency feature that allows prospectors to find very large and fine grains of gold.

Gold Monster1000 - Minelab
Type: Professional Gold Detector
Price: Rp19,400,000
The newest gold detector from Minelab. More sensitive, cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ is deeper and all settings are automatic. No need to learn how to use it again. Suitable for both beginners and experienced prospectors. With the GM1000 tool gold miners can detect large and very small and fine gold metal objects. RECOMMENDED!

Equinox800 - Minelab
Type: Gold & Treasure Detector
Price: Rp20.500.000
New detector model using the latest Multi IQ gold detection technology . Equinox800 can be used to search for treasures and fine gold. The instrument has a high frequency feature that allows prospectors to find very large and fine grains of gold.

SDC2300 - Minelab
Type: Ultra Professional Gold Detector
Price: Rp. 65,779,000 [Special Kdiscount during Pandemic]
The most suitable gold detector for hunting gold in a tropical environment like Indonesia. Compact, lightweight, able to detect very fine gold, water proof, shock proof. Recommended!

SDC2300 - Minelab
Type: Ultra Professional Gold Detector
Price: Rp. 65,779,000 [Special Kdiscount during Pandemic]
The most suitable gold detector for hunting gold in a tropical environment like Indonesia. Compact, lightweight, able to detect very fine gold, water proof, shock proof. Recommended!

GPX6000 - Minelab
Type: Professional Gold Detector
Price: Rp116,000,000 [Promo Deal]
Minelab's newest and best gold detector. Use Geo Sense IP technology. And this package is the most complete. Additional coil included. So a total of two coils and a detector with all accessories. This MD tool benefits its owner. Also suitable for geologists and gold prospectors. Extreme performance.

GPZ7000 - Minelab
Type: Professional Gold Detector
Price: Rp147,000,000 [Best Price Warranty]
New gold detection technology (ZVT). A new generation of detector tools. Significantly deeper and more sensitive than all other models. No. 1. Gold Detector in the world. For professional prospectors.

Kadang, peralatan saja tidak cukup. Pelajari cara mendeteksi emas di alam. Apa tanda-tanda adanya ladang emas? Apa yang perlu saya perhatikan? Bagaimana cara menggunakan detektor agar saya mendapatkan keuntungan? Pertanyaan-pertanyaan ini dan lainnya kami jelaskan dengan cara yang mudah dalam buku kami untuk pencari emas. Ingat: Pengetahuan adalah kekuatan.
Hubungi kami. Dalam banyak kasus, Anda bisa mendapatkan buku ini gratis saat membeli detektor.
ATM Promining™ Warranty
Kami penambang dan ahli deteksi emas. Tim internasional. Maka kami kasih saran bukan dari perspektif suplier alat saja tapi sebagai ahli emas yang mengetahui keadaan persis keadaan di lapangan emas.
Kami bantu Anda untuk menemukan emas. Fokus adalah alat dan servis terbaik dan lengkap. Skala kecil maupun skala besar, bisa. Dan pengalaman kami menjadi aset pelanggan kami yang menyebabkan tingkat keberhasilan tinggi sekali.
Sejak 20 tahun.
Tim Ahli emas.
Hanya yang terbaik.
Original. Bergaransi.
Suport Lengkap.
Diskon besar.